Onboarding FOC Salesforce Access Request Form

Instructions: Complete this access request form with the new Financial Opportunity Center information (contact and user info) along with the required training dates. Salesforce access wil be granted once the FFT Salesforce training is completed via the FOC FOUndation online plataform. 
Salesforce Account Information

Person responsible for signing the FOC Service Agreement with LISC.

Person responsible for signing the FOC Service Agreement with LISC.

Person responsible for signing the FOC Service Agreement with LISC.

Person responsible for signing the FOC Service Agreement with LISC.

Training Information
LISC asks that Financial Opportunity Centers have all their staff in place (either new hires or staff being newly assigned to the FOC) for 3-6 weeks prior to the Service Integration Planning Retreat and the Salesforce training to boost the effectiveness of the onboarding trainings.

Financial Coaching Information

User Information

Submitting this form will create a new Salesforce account for your organization.
This form should only be submitted once and by new FOCs. 

For questions regarding this form please contact the support desk at fftfocsupport@lisc.org